Dr. Garland & Alex Scott Memorial Scholarship
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Scholarship Criteria:
Resident of Jackson County, Michigan
Full or part time student pursuing a degree or valuable credential at an accredited public college or University in Michigan
Graduating high school senior, previous recipient, student already enrolled in and taking undergraduate or
graduate classes, or a returning learner
Participation in school, community, or volunteer activities, or employment
Plan to pursue a course of study leading to a degree in the health field or human medicine, such as
health services administration, bioengineering, nursing, dental hygiene, ultrasound or x-ray technician, phlebotomy, etc.
GPA of 3.0 or above
Proof of financial need
Renewable: Yes
Scholarship Award: Up to $1,000; More than one scholarship may be awarded
Scholarship Use: Tuition, books, fees, dormitory room and/or other academic costs