*We are always interested in making this page more meaningful by expanding fund descriptions on those funds that have information available to us. Some of these funds were started many years ago and knowledge of the donor is not available. If you are a Fund Representative and would like something additional added to your fund description, we would love to hear from you! Please email lmcdaniel@jacksoncf.org. Thank you!
ADCO Founders Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The ADCO Founders Scholarship was established in recognition of the late Donald R. Strack and the late Charles O. Pyron, founders of ADCO Products, Inc. The scholarship is available to children or legal dependents of ADCO corporation with priority given to dependents of Jackson County employees. If there are not recipients chosen from Jackson County, priority is given to dependents in the state of Michigan.
Addison P. Cook, III Foundation Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
African American Community Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide grantmaking to projects in Jackson County that primarily effect the African American community in Jackson County.
Aldythe M. Parsons Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Aldythe M. Parsons, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Alexander and Margaret L. MacDonald Memorial Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Alexander and Margaret L. MacDonald, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Alice Soderberg Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Alice Soderberg, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Allen O. Diebold Family Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Anchor Initiative Non-Endowed Special Project Fund, a special project fund: To support the redevelopment of the Hayes Hotel.
Andrew LaFaive Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: To provide support to a graduating senior from Jackson High School who is attending a private or public university, college or trades school.
Antonia Dellas Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: This scholarship was established by John J. Dellas, in memory of his wife. “Antonia (Toni) lived her life by helping others in so many ways and always found time to help those in need. One path Toni chose to practice this was her career of working with children with special needs."
Arasim/Obuchowski Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: To honor our parents, John and Clara Arasim, who were not educated, but stressed education for their children and everyone around them. It was my sister's wish to provide financial help to anyone graduating from Michigan Center High School so that they could pursue their educational goals. This scholarship is set up for that purpose and to honor our parents and my late sister and brother-in-law, Thad and Dorothy Obuchowski.
Arts & Cultural Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide grantmaking for programs and initiatives supporting arts and culture in our community.
Aware Shelter, Inc. Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Bernice Barabash Sports Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Bernice Barabash Sports Scholarship recognizes youth who participate in hockey while maintaining high academic standards in preparation for future educational enrichment.
Betty Dahlem Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Cascades Humane Society, Key West Botanical Society, Inc., Hanover Horton Historical Society and Aware, Inc.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Jackson County Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Billie Jo Unterkircher Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Billie Jo Unterkircher, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Bob and Dawn Hardy Scholarship Endowment Fund, a component fund of the Jackson Legacy Scholarship: Scholarship to support local students attending our local colleges and universities. We will support graduating seniors and returning and completing adults who live and go to school in Jackson County. We will focus our efforts on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college students. Local data confirmed national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources to achieve them. Lastly, we will set aside an emergency fund to help students with the unexpected life complications that get in the way of completing.
Breakout Drug Education Program, Inc. Endowment Fund, agency fund: To support the charitable, scientific, or educational purposes of the Agency.
Bucky Harris Memorial Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To support organizations of choice with board approval.
Carl F. Spaeth Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To support the Jackson Community Foundation operations with things including professional development, conference attendance, and travel costs for staff, committee members, and trustees, small capital expenses for the office, and others expenses to help with organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
Carolyn A. Bloodworth Legacy Endowment Fund, named unrestricted: Established in honor of Carolyn's 42 years of service at with Consumers Energy Foundation. The Fund will meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Cascades and Frost School Library Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Cascades Falls Maintenance Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Jackson County Parks Department to supplement and enhance the programs and services related to the maintenance of Cascades Falls.
Cascades Humane Society Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Cascades Non-endowed Special Project Fund, special project fund: Facilitate the pooling and management of FUND related to the renovation of the Cascades. This is a non-endowed special project fund and is designated solely for the project.
Cascades Restoration Project Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support charitable initiatives addressing the renovation of the Cascades Falls, Park and lagoon system by the advisory board and consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Catherine R. Connell Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Catherine R. Connell, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Center for Family Health Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Cheryl R. Norey Memorial Scholarship Fund, scholarship: To provide women and girls from disadvantaged backgrounds with financial support to obtain post-secondary education.
Chester H. Gardner and Marion Baylis Gardner Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Chester H. Gardner and Marion Baylis Gardner, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Chris Brian Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Hanover Horton School District's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
College Access Network Partnership Fund, field of interest fund: To support ongoing support of local college access partnership activities or programs.
Community Action Agency - Jackson County Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Community Needs Endowment Fund, unrestricted fund: Provides direct grant support for community needs, the majority of our grantmaking is made possible through this fund.
Consumers Energy Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide funding of programs and projects which support nonprofit agencies and organizations doing business in Jackson County.
Cora E. Dunning Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Cora E. Dunning, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Corbin Rangler Memorial Bluebird Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: To provide scholarships in memory of Corbin Rangler, a Jackson High School graduate. The scholarship will go to a Jackson County high school graduating senior representing the character, drive and knowledge of the importance of education that Corbin had, his family said.
Dahlem Conservancy Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Dale S. LeCrone LeMatic Fund, donor advised fund: To support Skilled Trades education in Jackson County.
Dawn Foods Fund, a donor advised fund: to provide financial support to charitable causes benefiting Jackson County, Michigan.
David J. Ogle II Memorial Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To provide support for families affected by substance abuse.
Delbert S. and Barbara F. Ford Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Dennis and Diana Hill Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Dennis and Diana Hill, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Dennis J. Beck Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Established by the family and friends of Dennis J. Beck, this scholarship honors his belief that a young person’s character, when supported through education, is the foundation of the future.
Dirlam Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
disAbility Connections Foundation of Jackson County Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Donna Ruth Camp Administrative Endowment Fund, administrative fund: The first Administrative Endowment Fund of the Foundation established in 1991 by the Samual Higby Camp Foundation to honor the memory of Donna Ruth Camp, the sister of Samual Higby Camp. It assists the Foundation in providing community leadership.
Dorothy and Dick Burgess Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Dorothy and Dick Burgess Scholarship Fund was established to provide deserving young students, who might otherwise be unable to afford it, the opportunity to attend a smaller Michigan college.
Dorothy Johnson Blakely Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the Cascades Humane Society and the programs and purposed they support.
Dorothy Levy Literacy Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: Purpose of the Fund is to promote literacy in the Jackson area by supporting programs that encourage parents, educators, mentors and volunteers to read aloud regularly to disadvantaged children.
Dr. Jerry and Jackie Booth Family Fund, Individually Managed Donor Advised Fund: Purpose of the Fund is to support charitable programs and projects in Jackson County.
Dr. Garland and Alex Scott Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: To provide scholarships to support Jackson County residents pursuing higher education.
Dr. William A. & Marceleine J. Sautter Hanover-Horton Youth of Promise, scholarship fund: Both Dr. William and Marceleine Sautter were strong advocates of education and saw their four children all become graduates of Hanover-Horton High School and pursue college degrees and beyond. This scholarship was established to recognize a Hanover-Horton.
Dwight and Ellen Yeager Memorial Administrative Fund, administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
E. Marlin and Evelyne A. Jones and Extended Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Earl W. Peterson Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
East Jackson Educational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Educational Foundation for Columbia Schools Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Eileen J. Smith, R.N. Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Eileen J. Smith, R. N. Memorial Scholarship was established by Eileen’s husband and children. Eileen was a friendly generous person. This scholarship is a reminder of the passion and dedication she had for helping others.
Eleanor A. Ernest Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Eleanor A. Ernest Scholarship is awarded each year to a valedictorian, salutatorian or student with the highest grade point average of a smaller Jackson County high school (148 students or less in graduating senior class).
Electa W. Kendall Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Electa W. Kendall, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Ella Sharp Museum Agency Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Emeritus Trustee Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established to honor all Emeritus Trustees, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Eric B. Walton Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Eunice H. Ballard Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Eunice H. Ballard, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Faith Speckhard Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Faith Speckhard Scholarship provides up to four $5,000 scholarships to qualified Jackson High School graduating seniors. The award recognizes students who demonstrate motivation in their pursuit of higher education, are actively involved in their community.
Family Service and Children's Aid Breakout Drug Education Program Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Family Service and Children's Aid Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
First Congregational Church UCC of Jackson Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Florence E. Shaneour Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to award a scholarship annually to a student from Pittsford High School. The student must fit the eligibility requirements of the scholarship. The student is selected by the Pittsford High School administration.
Food Bank of South Central Michigan, Inc. Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Frances Ballard Niederle Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Frances Ballard Niederle, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Fred and Marian Corwin Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Fred and Marian Corwin, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Fred and Rachel Kulas Named Unrestricted Fund, named unrestricted fund established in the memory of Fred and Rachel Kulas to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Fred and Rachel Kulas Administrative Fund, an administrative fund provides income to support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
Friends of Jackson Seniors, Inc. Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
General Education Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide funding for general educational programs.
General Environmental Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: For the purpose of maintaining a healthy environment through programs and education.
GENERAL Fund, administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
General Scholarship fund: Non permanent fund for anonymous scholarship awards.
George A. Burdick Memorial Fund, donor designated fund: To support the John George Home, Inc. and to supplement and enhance their programs and services.
Georgia and Travis Fojtasek Legacy: Individually Managed Donor Advised Fund: To support initiatives and programs that enhance community vitality, health and well being within Jackson County including health care, wellness and prevention, education, environment, arts and culture, housing and animal welfare.
Georgia and Travis Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Established by Georgia and Travis Fojtasek, in memory of Georgia’s mother and father, Edward and Nella Fullman in honor of their commitment to their children’s education despite very limited resources. The purpose is to support students with financial need.
Golf Hall of Fame Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Grass Lake Educational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Great Lakes Hospice Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Great Lakes Works Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To support skilled trades groups and organizations that educate.
Hancock Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Hanover Horton Area Historical Society Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Hanover Horton Educational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Harriet M. Howard Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Harriet M. Howard, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Healthy Youth/Healthy Seniors Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide funding for programs and initiatives supporting healthy youth and healthy seniors.
Helena M. Grossman Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Helena M. Grossman, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital Empowerment Scholarship, scholarship fund: A scholarship that focuses on diversity, inclusion and equity.
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital New Beginnings Scholarship, scholarship fund: A scholarship for non-traditional students.
Henry Ford Jackson Hospital Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Herbert E. Spieler Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Herbert E. Spieler to recognize his exemplary leadership of the Foundation and his community minded generosity, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Herman E. Morisse Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Herman E. Morisse, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Highfields, Inc. Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Hopkins, Jennings, Shaw Salvation Army Memorial Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Jackson County youth in attending Salvation Army summer camp programs.
Howard and Barbara Thompson Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Established in honor of Barbara and Howard Thompson, this scholarship reflects their personal dedication to youth of Jackson County and their belief in the importance of history and education.
Ila R. and Earl C. Bauer Fund: Camp International -76 Years Combined Employment, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Ila R. and Earl C. Bauer, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
I Love My Community Fund, donor advised fund: Established in memory of Barbara Ramp, the purpose of the fund is to benefit charitable initiatives benefiting Jackson County. "Barbara was very involved in her community in theatre, chorale groups and her church. She volunteered all the time and took her grandkids with her regularly to help".
J. Sheridan Stewart Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: The primary purpose of the Scholarship Fund shall be to provide Scholarships for college undergraduate education to high school graduates who are residents of Tompkins Township, Jackson County, Michigan and who have graduated from a public school system.
Jack & Millie Gillett Charitable Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Jack and Millie Gillett, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Jackson Citizen Patriot Literacy Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Jackson County Catholic Education Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support of Catholic education in Jackson County through the following schools: Lumen Christi Catholic High School, Our Lady of Fatima School (K-6), Jackson Catholic Middle School, St. Joseph Elementary School, St. John the Evangelist School (K-6), St. Mary Star of the Sea School (Pre-K-6), and Queen of the Miraculous Medal School (K-6).
Jackson County Daffodil Society Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jackson County Early Literacy Fund, a field of interest fund: To provide support programmatic and systems change efforts to increase the early literacy of Jackson County residents.
Jackson County Health Plan Corporation Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support for the health care needs of low income, medically undeserved residents of Jackson County.
Jackson County Parks Association Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Jackson County Parks Association for out-county park projects only and specifically not for Sparks Foundation County park or the Cascades.
Jackson County's Promise to Youth Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide grantmaking for programs and initiatives supporting youth.
Jackson Education Endowment Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: A sub-fund of the Jackson Legacy Fund, to support JPS graduates only.
Jackson Friendly Home Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Jackson Friendly Home.
Jackson High School Scholarship Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jackson Interfaith Shelter Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jackson Junior Welfare League Women’s Empowerment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide financial support and empower women in Jackson County.
Jackson Legacy Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The purpose of this fund is to program to support local students attending our local colleges and universities. We will support graduating seniors and returning and completing adults who live and go to school in Jackson County. We will focus our efforts on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college students. Local data confirmed national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources to achieve them. Lastly, we will set aside an emergency fund to help students with the unexpected life complications that get in the way of completing.
Jackson Legacy Non-Endowed Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: To fund the immediate needs of the eligible Jackson Legacy Scholarship students.
Jackson Public Schools Laundry Initiative Endowment Fund, a donor designated fund: To provide support to JPS for the Laundry Initiative for students in their district. The Laundry Initiative project was funded from a $2,500 donation from CP Federal Credit Union and other donations from community members and organizations. The laundry rooms make it convenient for coaches to wash uniforms, but this initiative also teaches children life skills and gives children access to a service often taken for granted. Besides a washer and dryer, there is laundry detergent and other donated supplies.
Jackson Saves, special project fund: The Jackson Saves program will help set students up for success by giving all kindergartners, who attend an eligible Jackson Public School or Public Charter, a savings account as well as making the initial deposit for the student.
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Endowment - Music School Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jackson Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jackson YMCA Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jackson Young Professionals Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
James M. and Helen M. Crowley Scholarship Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: Mrs. Helen M. Crowley established this fund in honor of her late husband, James M. Crowley, and her family’s commitment to the Jackson community. The purpose of the fund is to support and enhance the cultural and creative arts in the Jackson County community. The initial focus of the fund will be on children, with special emphasis on organizations that promote creative cultural and living arts experiences. Our goal is to promote enhanced learning opportunities and support optimal growth, development, and wellbeing in children.
James P. Syrek Memorial Endowment Sub Fund, donor advised fund: This fund was established to support the activities of the Jackson County Drug Court. Mr. Syrek was employed as Judge Nelson's Court Officer when he died of a rare heart disease.
Janet C. Rochefort Scholarship Endowment Fund, for Single Moms scholarship fund: To support the higher education of single mothers.
JCF Administrative Endowment Fund, administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
JCF Historic Preservation Fund, field of interest fund: To provide grantmaking for historic preservation.
JCISD-JACC Jared Zenz Memorial Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services, in memory of Jared Zenz.
JCISD-JACC Staff Memorial Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Jean M. Alderdyce Memorial Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Jean M. Alderdyce to recognize her community minded generosity, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Jeanne A. Ollhoff Educational Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To provide scholarships for Trinity Lutheran School students.
Jeannie Inman Memorial Endowment for disAbility Connections, Inc., donor designated fund: This is a sub fund of the disAbility Connection Foundation Fund. The purpose of this fund is o provide financial support to disAbility Connections of Jackson.
Jim and Dorothy Blanchard Teacher's Education Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support of elementary school teachers who strive to provide innovative classroom projects to enhance students' learning. In addition, the fund will also support professional development for teachers seeking to enhance their creative teaching skills.
Joan & George Schroeder Memorial Fund, for the United Center for Caring (UCC), donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the United Center for Caring.
Jody C. Bacon Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
John J. Dellas Memorial Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: Established in memory of John J. Dellas to provide scholarships for students pursuing a degree in the field of engineering.
John Gruel Memorial Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in the memory of John Gruel, to To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
John Munro Traynor Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of John Munro Traynor, To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
June M. Whedon Memorial Fund, a scholarship fund: To provide financial support to the Western School District for scholarships and other needs as they arise in memory of June M. Whedon.
June Danby & Pat Pearse Education Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Provides scholarships to students who desire to enter the field of Education.
JXN Flight Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation, especially aviation.
Kellogg Foundation Youth Advisory Committee Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To support programs and activities for youth in Jackson County.
Kellogg YAC Operating Fund,
L. Richard and Sandra Schneider Endowment Sub Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Lumen Christi Catholic High School in its educational endeavors.
Larry and Janet Anto Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: To support the Legacy Scholarship Program.
Lawrence and Joanne Maino Memorial Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Larry and Joanne Maino loved their community of Michigan Center, Michigan. They wanted to make a difference in the lives of the residents by providing exceptional care to their customers at Maino Pharmacy.
Lily Mission Center Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Lincoln Youth Fund, field of interest fund: To provide funding that aligns with the Jackson County Youth Advisory Committee's grantmaking.
Lisa Marie Rozell Memorial Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Jackson Interfaith Shelter in memory of Lisa Marie Rozell. "With a desire to memorialize our daughter Lisa we wanted to aid the Jackson area. Because we have seen the effects of the work they do to serve the disadvantaged in Jackson." Robert and Marilyn Rozell
Lucille E. McGee Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Scholarship fund to support Hanover Horton students.
Lumina Grant special project fund: a grant from the Lumina Foundation to be used to increase the percentage of Jackson county students who are prepared for post-secondary education.
MACI Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The MACI Scholarship recognizes children of MACI associates for excellence in high school or college scholastic achievement, citizenship, and extracurricular activities through involvement in school and community.
MACI Youth Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To provide financial support for programs and projects for the youth in Jackson County.
Marion S. Grattan Memorial Parks Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Jackson County Parks Association.
Martha and Oliver Hansen Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Martha and Oliver Hansen Memorial Scholarship, established by Martha and Oliver’s children Steve Hansen, Cindy Barrus and Marty Mercer, honors their parent’s dedication to learning.
Martha PFund Children's Dental Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support for The Center for Family Health Dental Clinic to address oral health needs of the children of Jackson County.
Marvin W. and Rosaline A. Brandau Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Marvin W. and Rosaline A. Brandau Scholarship Fund was established as a lasting tribute to long time Jackson residents, Marvin and Rosaline Brandau. The Brandau's did not have children of their own and their formal schooling was limited.
Mary A. Heglund Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Mary A. Heglund, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Mary Theresa Mills Catholic Education Endowment Fund, a donor advised fund: To provide support for the Jackson Catholic Schools. Mary’s family gratefully established the Fund in Mary’s memory to provide support for the Jackson Catholic Schools, which were such an important part of Mary’s life from her school days at Lumen Christi until her final years as a St. John’s school mom, volunteer, and substitute teacher. The family recognizes and appreciates just how much administrators, teachers, coaches, staff, volunteers, parents, and donors sacrifice to make Catholic education possible for Jackson children. The Family hopes that the Fund will help in a small way to continue Jackson’s proud tradition of Catholic education so that Jackson Catholic School graduates, like Mary, can continue to radiate the Light of Christ (the Lumen Christi) in the world.
Matt and Sharon Augustine Youth Advisory Committee Activity Fund, a donor designated fund: designated for the Jackson Community Foundation Youth Advisory Committee in alignment with the Kellogg Foundation Youth Advisory Committee Endowment Fund.
Melissa Eleanor Ernest Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: This scholarship fund was established by the family and friends of Melissa Eleanor Ernest. Melissa Eleanor Ernest was anticipating a promising career as an Esthetician upon graduation from Douglas J. Aveda Institute before her tragic death.
Men's Garden Club of Jackson Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support charitable horticultural interests with a focus on, but not limited to, Jackson County.
Michael Richard Leland Easter Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: provide scholarships to support students pursuing a career in Law Enforcement, Corrections, Criminal Justice or Reserves at a Michigan college or university.
Michigan Center High School Alumni Scholarship Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Michigan Center High School's graduating students.
Michigan Center School District Education Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Michigan Coalition of Essential Schools Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Michigan Coalition of Essential Schools in Jackson.
Michigan Health Endowment Fund, special project fund:
Michigan Theatre of Jackson, Inc. Organizational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Mrs. Robert Crary Jr. Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Mrs. Robert Crary Jr., to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Napoleon Educational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Nathan and Marjorie Rosenfeld Family Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Nonprofit Network/George W. Romney Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Norm and Pat Steusloff Charitable Fund, a donor designated fund: The purpose of the fund is to support the ongoing of the Jackson Interfaith Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul Society at Queens, and Queen of the Miraculous Medal School and Lumen Christi Middle School students specifically restricted for tuition assistance to needy students (Designees).
Northwest Educational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Olive Merlin and Jacqueline Dulworth Scholarship Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Olive and Jacqueline Fund shall be to provide scholarships for Jackson High School students with an interest in the building trades or construction industry to attend a college, university, or trade school or other institution beyond high school.
Otis & Florence Lapham Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Otis and Florence were residents of Hanover for more than fifty years, (and) were supportive of community affairs. They chose to leave a legacy to the area in the form of scholarships to Hanover-Horton schools for further education of the students.
Patrick Carney II Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, a component fund of the Jackson Legacy Scholarship: Scholarship to support local students attending our local colleges and universities. We will support graduating seniors and returning and completing adults who live and go to school in Jackson County. We will focus our efforts on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college students. Local data confirmed national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources to achieve them. Lastly, we will set aside an emergency fund to help students with the unexpected life complications that get in the way of completing.
Paul Tejada Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Paul Tejada Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Paul Tejada, former President of W.A. Foote Memorial Hospital.
Paula L. Teer Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Pay It Forward Fund, a donor designated fund: The fund will support students graduating from Springport High School, East Jackson High School, Addison High School, and Hudson High School.
Phillip Guy Richardson Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Phillip Guy Richardson Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to a graduating senior of Napoleon High School. The award recognizes exceptional high school and college achievement in academics, citizenship and extracurricular activity.
President's Discretionary Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established by the Board of Trustees to allow for responsive grantmaking by the President throughout the year.
Regina Griffus Memorial Fund a donor advised fund: Established in the memory of Regina Griffus, the purpose of the fund is
to help support the community of Jackson, especially children and needy families.
Reizner Family Fund, a donor advised fund: To support charitable be purposes that are consistent with the Jackson Community Foundation's mission.
Rena B. Ludlow Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Rena B. Ludlow, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Richard Sigers Scholarship Fund, a component fund of the Jackson Legacy Scholarship: Scholarship to support local students attending our local colleges and universities. We will support graduating seniors and returning and completing adults who live and go to school in Jackson County. We will focus our efforts on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college students. Local data confirmed national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources to achieve them. Lastly, we will set aside an emergency fund to help students with the unexpected life complications that get in the way of completing.
Rider Family Education Fund, a field of interest fund: The purpose of the fund is to support educators and education related programs and services in Jackson County.
Robert A., Sr. and Annetta I. Martin Memorial Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Robert A., Sr. and Annetta I. Martin, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Robert K. and Marilyn J. Rozell Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Robert P. Ernest Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The Robert P. Ernest Memorial Scholarship is awarded each year to a valedictorian, salutatorian or student with the highest grade point average of a larger Jackson County high school.
Robinson Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To support the secondary and higher education opportunities in Jackson county including but not limited to the Jackson Legacy Program.
Rotary Club of Jackson Scholarship Fund, a component fund of the Jackson Legacy Scholarship: Scholarship to support local students attending our local colleges and universities. We will support graduating seniors and returning and completing adults who live and go to school in Jackson County. We will focus our efforts on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college students. Local data confirmed national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources to achieve them. Lastly, we will set aside an emergency fund to help students with the unexpected life complications that get in the way of completing.
Ruth L. Creps Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: Scholarships for Hanover Horton students.
Samuel Higby & Margaret H. Camp Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Sandra S. and Robert D. Craft Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Sheldon E. and Jean B. Laughlin Administrative Endowment Fund, an administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
Sheldon E. and Jean B. Laughlin Endowment Fund, a named unrestricted fund: The purpose of the Fund is to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Shirley Pascal Endowment Fund to End Domestic Violence, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Shonte' Potter King Center Fund, donor designated fund: The purpose of the fund is to provide support for the city of Jackson's Martin Luther King Jr. Center Youth Programs. The fund was established in honor and memory of Shonte' Potter. He was a son, a brother, and a mentor. He picked up the pieces and took care of this family. He was cut from "one in a billion" cloth as described by his brother.
Schuur Family Fund, donor advised fund: It is our wish that the fund assist families in need of economic or social supports, including food, counseling, temporary shelter, or other measures to provide or enhance family preservation.
St. James Lutheran Legacy Fund, donor designated fund: To support Guiding Harbor, Immanuel Lutheran Church Food Pantry, Jackson Friendly Home, John George Home, and the Aware Shelter.
Stacy Lynn Davis Youth Leadership Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: This scholarship fund was established in memory of Stacy Lynn Davis. Stacy was an eighth grade student attending The Middle School at Parkside at the time of her death. She was an excellent student who set high standards for herself.
Stockbridge - Chris B. Kruger Memorial Scholarship, agency fund: A subfund of the Stockbridge Endowment Fund in memory of Chris B. Kruger. To provide scholarships, including those for graduating Stockbridge High School Seniors who enroll after graduation at a training center, trade school or college to become a First Responder or train closely related field.
Stockbridge - Darwin Snider Memorial Fund, agency fund: A subfund of the Stockbridge Endowment fund in memory of Darwin Snider. To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Stockbridge Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Stuart M. Schram Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Stuart M. Schram, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Tim and Daniel Hughes Outdoor Memorial fund: Donor Advised fund: To support for outdoorsmanship needs to our Jackson County community's future of hunting, fishing, camping and recreational activities.
T. Waldo and Ella Mae A. Blackmer Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of T. Waldo and Ella Mae A. Blackmer, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Teachers Endowment Fund, field of interest fund: To support creative and innovative classroom projects and classroom-based reserarch that will lead to improvements in the teaching/learning process and educational excellence in Jackson County public and private K-12 schools.
Teacher's of the Year Operating Fund, special project fund: Operating fund in support of the Teacher of the Year Awards help every May.
Teen Health Center at Parkside Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
The Aldythe M. Parsons Administrative Fund, administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
The Allen E. Spiess, Jr. Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To assist individuals with dyslexia and to support programs engaged in finding solutions to the problems associated with dyslexia. Also to support: Ella Sharp Museum, Cascades Humane Society, Emmanuel Lutheran Church and the Michigan Theatre.
The Booth Family Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
The Christoff Family Community Fund, donor advised fund: The Christoff Family Community Fund was created from the award given to Ted Christoff from the Carnegie Hero Commission. Ted was the recipient of the Andrew Carnegie Hero Award after saving the life of his neighbor from a house fire. The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
The Country Club of Jackson Charitable Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: The CCJ board voted on July 22, 2014 to combine the Michael Egan Memorial Scholarship Endowment subfund and The Country Club of Jackson Charitable Endowment fund to create a named unrestricted fund to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
The Dena McLeod Scholarship Fund, a component fund of the Jackson Legacy Scholarship: Scholarship to support local students attending our local colleges and universities. We will support graduating seniors and returning and completing adults who live and go to school in Jackson County. We will focus our efforts on students from low-income families, students of color, and first-generation college students. Local data confirmed national findings that these three groups stand to benefit the most from higher education degrees, yet often lack the resources to achieve them. Lastly, we will set aside an emergency fund to help students with the unexpected life complications that get in the way of completing.
The Dream Maker Fund, a non-endowed donor advised fund: To provide support for young people to realize a dream they would not have imagined by supporting opportunities for STEM related experiences, including but not limited to, participation in FIRST Robotics teams and support in applying for STEM related scholarships.
The Erma E. Biedermann Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: Erma E. Biedermann was a passionate educator who spent 27 years of her life as a teacher and principal in the Michigan Center School District. Shortly before her death in 1982, she established a will that would create a trust fund to provide money for students going to college.
The Grace Family Charitable Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
The Jackson County Medical Society Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To support Project Access and other community projects under the advisement of the Jackson County Medical Society Executive Committee.
The Jackson Literary and Art Association Fund, field of interest fund: To promote art, literature and entertainment to the Jackson Community with an emphasis on the education of youth in these areas.
The John and Marilyn Guidinger Historic Preservation Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation. It is the intention of the donor(s) to fund programs that support Historic Preservation.
The Mr. and Mrs. James M. Craft Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support for the perpetuation of St. Mary Star of the Sea Church. Specifically, it is restricted for the repair and/or replacement of the windows or for scholarships for students to attend St. Mary Star of the Sea school.
The Myer and Lois Franklin Charitable Trust Administrative Fund, administrative fund: Non-endowed administrative fund to hire a scholarship assistant for the administration of the Myer and Lois Franklin Scholarship.
The Officer James D. Bonneau Child Advocacy Fund, donor advised fund: To honor Officer Bonneau's service and ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the Jackson Community by helping children in Jackson County. This would include not only physical needs of children but also any emotional and/or psychological needs, regardless whether those needs.
The Patricia Stinson Trosin Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To support literacy initiatives benefiting children living in the Jackson community.
The Schalhamer Named Administrative Fund, administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
The Schalhamer Named Unrestricted Fund, named unrestricted fund: To meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Thomas Dean Rozell Memorial Endowment Fund, a donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Youth Haven in memory of Thomas Dean Rozell. “With a desire to memorialize our son Tom we wanted to aid the Jackson area through a Christian organization. Because we have seen the effects of Youth Haven’s work with children we chose them as beneficiary.“ _Robert and Marilyn Rozell
Thought 1 Fund, scholarship fund: To support graduating Jackson County High School students who have lost a parent, step-parent or legal guardian to cancer and/or is a cancer survivor themselves.
TLC- Lavery Family Endowment Fund, administrative fund: To support the operational expenses of the Foundation.
Tony and Bonnie Krupa Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the fund is to support the charitable
initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation, especially those with developmental disabilities.
United Way of Jackson County Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Unterkircher - Cascades Humane Society Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Cascades Humane Society.
Unterkircher - Catholic Social Services Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Catholic Social Services.
Unterkircher - Henry For Allegiance Hospice of Jackson Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to Henry Ford Allegiance Hospice of Jackson.
Unterkircher - Interfaith Shelter of Jackson Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide financial support to the Interfaith Shelter of Jackson.
Unterkircher - Y-Center of Jackson Endowment Fund, donor designated fund: To provide grants to the YMCA of Jackson.
Uvonne Yeager Memorial Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Uvonne Yeager, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Vandercook Educational Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Vandercook Lake Schools Educational Endowment Fund - Michael White Memorial Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Vandercook Lake Schools Scholarship Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Vi and Bill Sigmund Endowment Fund, named unrestricted fund: Established in memory of Vi and Bill Sigmund, to meet the general charitable needs of Jackson County as approved by the Board of Trustees.
Volunteers of Henry Ford Allegiance Health Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: The Volunteers of Henry Ford Allegiance Health Scholarship provides an award to a qualified high school senior or graduate. Applicants must be a dependent of an employee of Allegiance Health.
Walz Family Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: The purpose of the Fund is to support the charitable initiatives of the donor consistent with the mission of the Foundation.
Waterloo Area Historical Society Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Western Education Foundation Endowment Fund, agency fund: To provide current income and long-term security to the Agency's capacity to supplement and enhance its programs and services.
Whitney C. Albertson Memorial Scholarship Fund, scholarship fund: Whitney Albertson was a 16 year old sophomore at Lumen Christi High School when she died in a weather related car accident driving to school on March 3, 1999. She excelled academically and athletically, and she had a heart for service. The fund will be used to support young women of similar abilities in their pursuit of a college education.
William and Beatrice Kavanaugh Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund, scholarship fund: The William and Beatrice Kavanaugh Scholarship was established by the Kavanaughs in appreciation of the quality of education their children received from the Grass Lake Public Schools. It is to be awarded to a Grass lake student.
Wirebaugh Family Youth Sports Endowment Fund, donor advised fund: To provide support to family youth sports.